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The Psychology of Promo

Posted on August 02, 2024 Posted in Marketing Strategies Promotional Products

Four reasons why people love promo products
The Psychology of Promo

What’s so great about promo anyway? It’s a fair question, and a lot of businesses wonder whether promo products are a worthwhile investment.

Promotional products are one of the oldest forms of advertising, and American businesses spend an average of $20 billion on promo every single year. Businesses large and small consistently rely on promo to get the word out about their brand and help them develop strong relationships with their audiences – and it works! In fact, in today’s world, some branded products have become iconic. Some promo items have developed an entire following of their own, and have become instantly recognizable staples in the minds of consumers around the globe.

But why does promo work so darn well? What is it about receiving a branded product that leaves such a positive impression on a business’s customers, employees, or community? What powers are businesses harnessing that can have their audiences lining up for hours to receive a coveted giveaway item? Today, we’re taking a peek under the hood to explore the psychology of why people love promotional products.

1. Promo has a ton of superpowers, but the first (and maybe the most obvious) one is the power of making people feel good. After all, who doesn’t like receiving a gift? Getting free stuff feels good, and getting free stuff from a brand that you like feels even better! Giving a useful branded gift that is well-suited for your customer base is an ideal way to spread joy. And when you give branded gifts that spread joy, recipients will associate those joyful, positive feelings with your business.

2. Promo’s second superpower, which is incredibly important in today’s screen-centric society, is the power of tangible connection. Branded products reach consumers in ways that print, television, and social media ads just can’t. Consumers bring these branded products into their homes, cars, and offices, and if they find them useful, they may keep them for a very long time. These products may even end up becoming a part of their daily routine! By bringing your brand into your audience’s lives in a meaningful and real way, you have a chance to build a stronger connection with them than a social media ad ever could.

3. Branded products allow businesses and organizations to harness the powerful principle of reciprocity. The idea behind the principle of reciprocity is that human beings have a natural desire to return good deeds. If you gift your audience with a high-quality branded item, and your audience members experience a positive feeling associated with receiving that gifted item (see Superpower #1), the likelihood is that they will want to “return the favor”. This might mean purchasing an item from your store or recommending your business to a friend.

4. The fourth superpower of promo is the power of belonging. Humans are naturally social. We seek acceptance from those around us, and we want to feel like we belong. The positive feelings associated with belonging to an “in-group” (i.e., an exclusive group with a shared interest or identity) can be extremely powerful, and people will go to great lengths to feel that sense of belonging. By giving your customers, employees, or contacts custom-branded items, you are extending them an invitation to be a part of your in-group. There is a sense of pride, exclusivity and self-expression in wearing a custom logoed t-shirt or cap from your favorite brand.

Promo is so powerful because it taps into people’s natural desires for happiness, authenticity, and social belonging. It presents a refreshing alternative to classic advertising methods and can help you develop real, long-lasting relationships with your highly valued customers. That’s why promo is an essential part of any successful marketing strategy!

If you’re ready to wield the power of promo for your business, we’re ready to help. Choose from hundreds of fully customizable products on our site, and if you need a little extra assistance along the way, don’t hesitate to reach out to our customer service team!

promo products made easy.