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4 Promotional Products to have this summer!

Posted on July 15, 2020 Posted in Marketing Strategies Promotional Products Seasonal

There are many marketing opportunities during summer and businesses can seize them by using effec...
4 Promotional Products to have this summer!


Marketing is essential for any business and different seasons require different approaches. That’s what makes marketing so much fun! For example some strategies might work effectively during winter but fail miserably during summer. Therefore, as a business owner or marketer, you have to look for the best seasonal promotional products that you can use to create awareness and promote your brand during summer. It’s summer now, and hey let’s be realistic, it only lasts so long in certain parts of North America! Here are the top 4 promotional products to have before summer ends:

Water Bottles

Water Bottles

Over the past decade, there has been a lot of awareness around our eco-footprint, as individuals and businesses. “Going green” not only helps the environment, it has a positive effect on how businesses are seen. Even though this is a summer product, it can be used all year round, and there isn’t anything negative about someone carrying your brand around wherever they go, is there?

Businesses have been using water bottles to promote their brand over the years with remarkable success. Investing in branded water bottles is not only good for advertising, it’s great for the environment. Look for bottles with a cool and modern design so that customers will find it attractive and feel the urge to carry it wherever they go. The bottle should also be made of a durable material so that customers can use it over a long period of time. Over time, your branded water bottle will be seen by many people which can translate into greater brand awareness.


Discuses have been proven to be an effective promotional tool time and again. A cost effective toy that can be gifted during company events, used as a raffle prize or given away during trade shows. Though it is classified as a toy, it targets a large audience, so if your target audience is broad, this would be the perfect giveaway! Discuses come in different designs, shapes, colors and sizes. You can have promotional campaigns printed on it, because unlike other products they tend to have a larger area for printing! Promote healthy lifestyles by giving away discuses, yet another way to promote a positive outlook for your brand.

Large Discus

Golf Tee Caddy

Golf Gear

Golf is a favorite sport for many. There is a wide range of golf gear that you can use as promotional gear during summer. You can stamp your business logo on golf accessories like golf balls, golf shirts, golf tee’s or give a full deluxe golf gift set. You can target golf players and fans alike. If your company is hosting or invited to a golf event, getting branded gear will be beneficial as now a days everything is posted over social media. Get the credit you deserve!



This is the season where a lot of people take holidays and when companies tend to spend less in general. Take advantage and start preparing for your 2020 promotions before the holiday expenses get in the way. No one said it would hurt to prepare ahead of time! Calendars can be used as give-aways in the office or at trade shows. Be creative with these customizable options:

·         Languages

·         Scenic imagery to more targeted industry images

·         product/service focused calendars

·         You can even customize whether you would like Canadian or US holidays!

2020 Sun, Sand & Surf Calendar

Start the summer with a bang! It’s never too late or early to start promoting your business. Get creative with more ideas in our Fun Ways to Advertise your Business blog.

promo products made easy.